Modest Photos #F4TFriday

Modesty Ablaze Real Estate Signs 2019

I mentioned in last week’s Food For Thought Friday how I discovered several wonderful websites that inspired me to publish my own life experiences here as Modesty Ablaze.

And one of those websites, Sinful Sunday, instantly appealed with it’s weekly theme of erotic, sexy, photos and images . . . which fits perfectly with this week’s questions at #F4TFriday.

What are your motivations for taking sexy photos?

I suppose I’ve always been a bit of an exhibitionist . . . a quite “shy” one of course . . . but even in the earliest days of our relationship, I would tease Hubby with some flashing fun, or mock-model “poses”.

He quickly started capturing those fun moments with his camera . . . hence my Polaroids Past archives from which I occasionally publish our fun photographic memories here.

Modesty Ablaze Polaroids Past

Who are you taking them for? Who is your primary audience?

We’ve always had fun with taking our photos, so primarily we’ve always taken them for us. But as Modesty Ablaze started to “blossom” . . . and particularly since discovering Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt . . . we found it actually added to our fun to know our photo-flings would, in many cases, (not all !!!), end-up here.

What challenges do you face/overcome when taking such photos? What lengths have you gone to to get “that” shot?

For our Scavenger Hunt photos, I’d say the “challenge” is more about the thrill of actually being naked, or semi-naked, in public. That’s what makes it such fun! One does have to be prepared of course, and sometimes we have stumbled upon a particular location when I haven’t been dressed appropriately and we have then added it to our “must return” list. But Hubby almost always has his small camera with him, and there have been occasions when some of our most fun Scavengers have been quite spontaneous and spur-of-the-moment. (Bikes and Last Post for example).

Modesty Ablaze Bike Rack
Modesty Ablaze Post Box

How did you feel the first time you sent/posted a sexy photo?

Naughty, nervous . . . tingly-thrilling!!!

What are your limits in terms of what you would/wouldn’t show/do in a photo you share?

I try to make everything fun and enjoyable. If it’s not either of those things for me, then I would certainly stop doing it . . . and certainly not share them here or anywhere.

Have there ever been any awkward/embarrassing moments (e.g. getting caught in the act) when taking your photos?

There have been lots of awkward moments in the sense of trying to be sure to not offend other people. Perhaps the most awkward of which was the Abridged crossing as it was very busy that day.

Modesty Ablaze on the Bridge

But my only really embarrassing moment was during my Sunday Stroll on the Heath with my lovely friend She Lover. After several “test snaps” we’d sat down on a bench with our coffee, having just been passed by an elderly couple who seemed to be giving us long, rather disapproving stares, when I suddenly realised I’d forgotten to re-button my blouse.

Modesty Ablaze on Hampstead Heath

So from my point of view, I hope the photos I share will always make people giggle, smile . . . laugh even (with me, or at me I really don’t mind) . . . and hopefully make them feel a little happier than when they arrived!!!

For more “Picture This” answers just tap the
Food For Thought button below.


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #FoodForThoughtFriday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Food For Thought, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Nude in Public, Polaroids Past, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation

5 Responses to Modest Photos #F4TFriday

  1. Some incredible photos, especially ones where people are so close in the background. Im glad they make you happy, im sure they do for others too ☺

  2. I absolutely love all the photos you share!

    Rebel xox

  3. I love all your pictures, and I am looking forward to new ones! It is all about the thrill and having fun with it indeed!

  4. Wonderful pictures. It looks like so much fun. I’d really like to give it a go, I can imagine it’s pretty exhilarating having pulled off a sneaky flash pic in public!

  5. Neagu Mircea

    Beautiful for Licking !

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