Modest Inspiration #F4TFriday

This week the questions being asked at Food For Thought Friday, are all to do with how the inspiration and motivation to continue one’s online postings, comes about.

For me, all the distractions of ones normal day-to-day routine, sometimes
makes it difficult to find the time to be Modesty Ablaze, but usually it’s quite
a lot of fun trying!!!

So  . . .

Where do the ideas for your content come from?

As my posts here at Modesty Ablaze tend to be more visual rather than textual, most of my ideas (if you could call them that) come from fun times on holiday, weekend strolls or excursions . . . or “adventures” with new friends.
So, for me at least, the content just seems to flow!

How do you get inspiration? Who or what inspires what you post?

As I say above, inspiration generally comes from recent events or new fun situations that I’ve encountered over the preceding weeks.

But also from many of the posts that regularly arrive in my in-box from the inspiring and motivational people in this wonderful community . . . and from favourite memes such as Sinful Sunday, Wicked Wednesday and Boobday Friday.

How do you decide what to share, and why?

The main motivation for my Modesty pages has always been just to celebrate sexual freedom of expression . . . and those, completely natural, desires and fantasies that we all feel. And to promote the joy and fun and enjoyment, that exploring those desires and fantasies can bring to ourselves and those around us.

And hopefully I will be able to keep enjoying . . . and sharing . . . those explorations and adventures, for many years to come!!!

For more Food For Thought on Blogging “Inspiration”
just click on the button below.


Xxx – K

1 Comment

Filed under #FoodForThoughtFriday, Food For Thought, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Uncategorized

One Response to Modest Inspiration #F4TFriday

  1. You do seem to come up with some great locations for your photos. Your sex and body positivity is an inspiration to me. Thank you xx

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