Aftermath [af-ter-math, ahf-] = “something that results, or follows, from an event, especially one of a tumultuous nature . . .”
[too-muhl-choo-uh s, tyoo-] = “full of tumult or riotousness; marked by disturbance and uproar; raising a great clatter and commotion; disorderly or noisy; highly agitated, as in the mind or emotions; distraught; turbulent.”
Or, in my case . . . quite simply . . . fucked!!!
Oh, that doesn’t begin with A !!!
But I’m sure you will be Agog, Astounded, Amazed, Awestruck . . . possibly even Aghast at all the interpretations of this week’s theme at Sinful Sunday. Because, if you haven’t already guessed,
it’s all to do with the letter A.
Just Attach yourself to the lips below for Affirmation!
Awesome picture and fantastic word play.
Appealing! And attractive as anything 🙂
xx Dee
Oh this is perfect and I love the word play, you have excelled yourself and earned an A*
Velvet x
The wordplay, the photo…I love it all!
Well done! I can definitely identify with the emotions represented! ~C
Hot! A++! 🙂
you sexy lady, i am sweating!!!
I love this shot. It does capture the immediate aftermath perfectly.
The intensity of the picture. Wow.
Awesome wordplay!! and the photo does the concept of “aftermath” quite well 🙂
~Kazi xxx
This is amazing! 😀
Oh my gosh, this is incredible! So simple but so expressive. Xxx
Its how a see you in my dreams 😉 😉
Your expression says it all. Great shot! Xx
Fantastic photo! You’ve captured that feeling perfectly. And your wordplay is Amazing!
The expression on your face is wonderful and really captures that feeling. Wonderful! x
Breathtaking! I absolutely love this shot.
Looks like you had a great time 😉
Rebel xox
Beautifully undone. Love it.
Satisfied to exhaustion by the looks. Wonderful.