Getting Ready #sinfulsunday


Just getting ready . . . and practicing my “snaps” . . . for my first Club Rub of the year this evening.
Well actually it will be last night as you will probably be reading this on Sinful Sunday morning . . . possibly even before I’ve returned home!!!

You can see  how lots of other Sinful people have been spending their weekend by snapping onto the lips below!

Sinful SundayXxxx – K


Filed under Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday

20 Responses to Getting Ready #sinfulsunday

  1. Cat

    I’m sure you are(did) have a memorable & exciting time tonight.

  2. these past two weeks, you have rocked my world with your images!!!

  3. Jo

    You look fabulous! I absolutely love how authoritative you look while not wearing any underwear! <3

  4. Hope you had much fun. 🙂

  5. You look very ready indeed. Hope you had a wonderful amd very late night.

  6. Hope you had a great night! That is a fantastic out fit 🙂

    ~Kazi xxx

  7. I hope you had a wonderful night in that fabulous outfit!


  8. O

    That’s a VERY impressive whip. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again; I really must give Club Rub a try.

  9. Fabulous outfit, I’m sure you had lots of fun!

  10. You look quite fierce! Hope you had a great time!

  11. Paul

    I would give anything Mistress to see more of you in that corset ;] ;]

  12. Oh my, just look at you. Shall I bend over? 😉

    Rebel xox

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