Shame is such a strong word isn’t it? An emotion that almost seems a natural part of our personality, one of our earliest memories, one of our earliest fears. And it is such a negative word . . . a negative feeling . . . a feeling of fear and uncertainty that can actually be very shameful in itself. Is there a word, or meaning, for that? A double-negative? No, that’s not it . . . but I hope you will know what I mean . . .
Feeling shameful about a spur-of-the-moment deed or perhaps a reaction or argument with a friend or colleague that you almost immediately regret, is one thing. An apology and words of “so sorry, I really didn’t mean to be like that” can . . . and should . . . convey ones true feelings of sorrow for those momentary lapses in our patience, and temper, that we all suffer from.
But I think that far too often shame is used as such a hurtful and unnecessary emotion. Something used to restrict our right to express ourselves freely and openly about the choices we make in our normal everyday lives. Beliefs, fashion, food, sexuality . . . all of the things that are personal, and important, to the way we want to live our lives.
Thankfully, through Memes such as Wicked Wednesday some of us are able to express our own feelings through words and . . . for some like myself who find words more difficult to come by of late . . . pictures.
And that can make us feel closer to one another and give us a sense of belonging and sharing . . . and help us to celebrate our lifestyle, rather than to feel a sense of guilt or shame about it.
To me, as long as the fun is genuine and consensual . . . and not harmful or taking advantage of anyone other than ourselves . . . then the “rest of” society would be a much better, more open and a much more fun place.

Feeling shameless!!! . . . (I used to worry about others seeing my body . . . until I discovered memes such as “Wicked Wednesday”, “Sinful Sunday” and “Scavenger Hunt”).
So let’s celebrate ourselves . . . our bodies . . . our experiences and desires . . . our lifestyles . . . and not let ourselves be made to feel any sense of shame!!!
There are more thoughts and experiences about shame at this week’s Wicked Wednesday from the button below!
I totally agree with this: “So let’s celebrate ourselves . . . our bodies . . . our experiences and desires . . . our lifestyles . . . and not let ourselves be made to feel any sense of shame!!!”
Perfect 🙂
Rebel xox
It’s because some women are being brainwashed into thinking that exposing their bodies is sinful that some people can take advantage by raping them giving the excuses that they expose their bodies due to the way they dress.
I too am so glad that we have this positive community of bloggers who participate in Sinful Sunday, Wicked Wednesday, & the Scavenger Hunt for support and encouragement! Keep up the gorgeous photos & body positive celebration!
I love the sex blogging community for being such a great place of freedom and exploration. I hope that maybe between us all, we create enough material to maybe, just maybe, make a small difference to all the negativity there is to bodies and sexuality
I can only echo what has been said above about this wonderful community of bloggers and the positivity that can be gained from it.
Your post made me smile a happy smile that through your blogging you have found a joy in your body that you may never have found without it and that you share that with the rest of us.
That is wonderful!
~Mia~ xx