Name my new book – Part 6 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries

I’m presently compiling the final chapters of the next Ebook edition of my “Modesty Ablaze Diaries” . . . but I thought it would be nice if one of you could suggest the title.

It will be Part 6 of the Ebooks I have published so far . . . five now available at Gumroad (at special introductory prices) and three each available at Amazon and Smashwords.

I do have a cover almost ready (see below) which will be for the Gumroad editions, but probably not suitable for Amazon (LOL!!) But I am having trouble thinking of an appropriate title, so I thought it would be nice if someone could suggest one for me. AND, of course, I will email a FREE copy to the person who suggests the title I finally choose.

The format of the book will be similar to The Journey . . . in other words a number of different Chapters with entries from some of my special encounters of the past decade or so, some with lovers you will have met in my previous books, and one or two new ones!!

So, if you would like to make a suggestion for the title of “The Modesty Ablaze Diaries – Part 6”, please complete the form below.


To suggest your title, please complete the form below:

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Filed under 3 somes, erotic ebooks, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, sexual empowerment for women, Swinging, womens Erotica

0 Responses to Name my new book – Part 6 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries

  1. TemptingSweets99

    This is a terrific idea. However, I am not good at naming titles. :/ I can’t wait to see what everyone else comes up with.

  2. Oh Tempting I’d love for you to suggest a title!!! Your own posts are always fun and imaginative.
    I’ve already had some very interesting titles suggested (LOL!!!). I’ve put a link form at the bottom of the post, as I wanted to encourage replies to be as original, and different, as possible, rather than just showing up as a general comment.
    But I would love to have a suggestion from you . . .

  3. Sally

    sexy cover. ur gorgeous. cant wait to read it now XXX

  4. Pingback: Eye Candy . . . at Dirty Birdies | modestyablaze

  5. MarkyBull_UK

    I have already suggested one how many can I suggest ? Marky xx

  6. You can make as many suggestions as you wish sweetie. Xxx

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