Big Wicked, Rebellious, Kisses to #wickedwednesday


Huge Kisses and Congratulations to Marie Rebelle @RebelsNotes whose wonderfully fun Wicked Wednesday meme marks it’s 200th consecutive
week today!

Now I know from my own Modest posting here on-line just how much work,
and time, it takes to update one’s pages . . . even on just a semi-regular basis
. . . like me !!!). But 200 consecutive weeks!!! That is just Simply The Best reason of all to blow big kisses, and big thanks for giving us all regular week-day stimulation, sensual-isation, arousal-isation, and most-of-all . . . fun-alisation
. . . into our in-box every Wednesday.

I don’t always manage to contribute . . . but I do always stop by to read, giggle and squiggle (in nice ways of course!!!) So make sure you do too by tap, tap, tapping that Wicked circle below!


Xxx – K


Filed under Wicked Wednesday

5 Responses to Big Wicked, Rebellious, Kisses to #wickedwednesday

  1. Ooooh thank you for the kisses, sexy one!

    And thanks for the congrats, and joining in this week 🙂

    Rebel xox

  2. Love this wicked photo and imagine those kisses straight for me. I’m going to go watch a video I heard about on someone’s blog, so I rented it as those breasts look awfully familiar. I will have to report back. Maybe next Monday.

  3. oh looking sexy as ever there Modesty.

    Velvet x

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